My Review Warpia ConnectHD Wireless Video Conferencing and PC to TV System

Posted by Admin on Monday, February 27, 2012

Warpia ConnectHD
Connecting computer to tv? this question showed up before i do my presentation.  
This is my personal review, experience using Warpia  ConnectHD. One time I was faced with the difficulties when I will make a presentation at a room with large screen and  need A / V cable to connect between the projector to the  screen. I had difficulty to set the AV cables, and get it  in its place, and the expert who usually do this was  absence.Then I remembered the ConnectHD Warpia products,  which can transmit content wirelessly, Finally My  presentation was a success.
Warpia ConnectHD
The story above is just one example of the usefulness of  Warpia ConnectHD, other functions I try to describe more fully.
My review Warpia ConnectHD Wireless. The ConnectHD provide easy way for users to stream content from Wirelessly from any laptop computer to an HDTV without Limitation. features are extremely complete, can be used to multimedia and video conference calls in the space your family in comfort. Another plus for you who like to play games and watch movies with big screen, you can connect through your HDTV.

The installation is easy
Although both use the wi-fi for the connection, but this will not interfere with wireless connection installed in your home.

Make video calls on your HDTV
This video call can use Skype or MSN Messenger. Applications running on your notebook will runs well on
this ConnectHD. Show Internet and wireless content your Lapotop to your HDTV. Use the HDMI port to move your files from the media PC to HDTV. To run this ConnectHD it's not difficult requirement, minimum requirements are : TV with HDMI port, Notebook PC with a USB 2.0 Port, Notebook with Minimum 1.8 GHz, Core 2 Duo processor and 1 GB of memory
Warpia ConnectHD

My Final Review

All in all, this is very good value. I recommend this device without hesitation.

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